The Abundology Podcast
Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology and Energy Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or just starting, this Spiritual Podcast offers wisdom and practical advice. Subscribe now and begin your journey towards enlightenment and positivity! 🌠🔮🌟
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
We are in the heart of the first eclipse season of the year, which began with the powerful solar eclipse last week and ends with a lunar eclipse next week.
Eclipses arrive in pairs and occur two weeks apart. This two-week period is eclipse season. And the period between the two eclipses is known as the eclipse corridor.
We are currently in the eclipse corridor with mercury retrograde. Mercury Retrograde can have the same disruptive and upsetting effects as eclipses. The two weeks in this eclipse corridor can be very challenging, and it might seem as though they go on forever.
Eclipses show us that after the dust settles, there truly is a lesson to be learned and a new path forward. Eclipses are not for intention setting and seed planting. They’re about surrender. Change is inevitable here. It’s happening. You can either fight it all the way, or you can surrender and allow the changes to move you forward.
The eclipses and Mercury's retrograde make it even more crucial to relax right now. Give yourself permission to pause. There's no need to rush. Moving slowly and steadily is the antidote for the chaos in our outer world.
Taurus is perhaps the biggest self-care advocate of the zodiac, and this season will be the ultimate invitation to lean into what makes you happy.
We want to embrace comfort, luxury, and relaxation, as well as the joy that goes along with it. Taurus season is the season when you can connect to the magic and beauty of life. Relax, take some time for yourself, and trust that everything is happening for the best.
Schedule your appointment with Renee Spears at
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Everything changes this week. This week's events, including the New Moon Solar Eclipse, the beginning of Taurus season, and Mercury Retrograde, help us transition to our new lives and identities. Over the past six months, we've undergone some major internal and external changes, and now we're in the home stretch.
This is a rare hybrid solar eclipse. Hybrid Eclipses only happen a few times a century and carry the energy of shifting between 2 worlds. This new moon is our gateway to a new reality. Doors will open, bringing even more new opportunities and new pathways.
This is the second new moon in a row in Aries. Having two powerful new moons back to back in Aries makes this one more intense. To add to the excitement, this eclipse occurs at the final degree of Aries. Having such a powerful Eclipse on this highly charged point indicates a karmic event or destiny that is unfolding.
This eclipse carries so much "new beginning" energy that it has the power to dramatically alter the course of our lives. This eclipse puts us back on track if we've gotten off it in any way.
24 hours after this eclipse, Taurus season begins. This is a big energetic shift. When the sun moves into Taurus, things slow down, allowing us to take a break. Taurus season is about focusing on simple pleasures. Let yourself sleep in, order takeout, and watch your favorite movies. This is our opportunity to get grounded and settle into our new lives.
And then within 24 hours of Taurus Season starting Mercury goes Retrograde. This is our first retrograde planet since January. Mercury retrogrades are the best times for “re” activities: reviewing, revising, rethinking, and redoing.
Even if you haven't noticed it, you have been going through a big internal transformation. This is our opportunity to slow down and settle into our new selves. We've had many life upgrades over the past few months, so give yourself the time you need to integrate them. There's no rush. This next chapter lasts for years, so ease into it and enjoy the ride.
Take advantage of the Happiness Sale thru 4/18 at
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
#261 - Weekly Energy Update for April 9 2023: Sun Conjunct Jupiter
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
This week is the cherry on top of the important astrological chapter we've gone thru the past few months! The stars have aligned and on Tuesday, April 11th, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, will be in a rare and powerful conjunction with the sun and which is known as a “Cazimi.”
It is thought to be the luckiest day of the year when the Sun and Jupiter align, which happens only once a year. The Sun's alignment with Jupiter is known as "The Day of Miracles."
Every time the sun and a planet align, a new cycle begins, making it a particularly special moment. This is a biggie! Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, and the sun, which is the center of our solar system, are combining forces to begin a brand-new 12-year chapter in the sign of Aries.
Jupiter also governs over the higher mind and our quest for knowledge and wisdom. The Cazimi can lead to incredible psychological growth and knowing ourselves on a much deeper level. This is a time when we can break lifelong patterns because we finally understand why they’re happening.
There is a feeling of well-being, happiness, and optimism brought on by this transit. In all facets of life, from relationships to income, "expansion" is the name of the game. It's a great time to start new projects, and relationships, or learn something new. Right now the universe is on our side and everything is falling into place.
Shop the Happiness Sale and sign up for The Secret to Being Happy at
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
#260 - Weekly Energy Update for April 2, 2023: Full Moon in Libra
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Spring is here and we’re in the thick of Aries season. There’s a lot of excitement bubbling beneath the surface and we can't wait to get going. What a wonderful moment to be alive! We are in a brand-new chapter now that the big astrology shifts in March are behind us. The energy is fresh, shiny, and new.
According to numerology, April is a #2 Universal Month. A #2 month, also known as the “Two of Hearts,” is about partnership, balance, and harmony. It’s relationship time. A time to focus on your relationships, whether they be familial, romantic, or professional.
The month begins with a Full Moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5th. Full moons in Libra are pivotal moments for creating peace and harmony. Where do you feel unbalanced? Where in your life do you need greater harmony?
Also in April, there's a moon total solar eclipse on April 20th. Then, on April 21st, Mercury enters retrograde after three months without any planets doing so. No need to panic because this Mercury Retrograde gives us a chance to fine-tune our brand-new lives, projects, and ways of being.
Passover begins on Wednesday as well. Passover represents a transition from our ego and a life that is all about me to the freedom of a better, more benevolent, and more harmonious world. The focus is shifting from ME to WE.
This week's vibe is new and fresh. This #2 universal month and the Full Pink Moon on Wednesday are all about relationships, harmony, and balance. In this new chapter, we're learning how to maintain balance in all areas of our lives. This chapter isn't about going it alone. There's so much more joy in life when we share it with others.
Learn more about the Secret to Being Happy class and Montana Spiritual Retreats at
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
#259 - How to Interpret Dreams with Angela Shelby
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Interpreting a dream is like getting a mini-life makeover. Dreams are a conversation between our conscious and unconscious minds that can provide insight into our soul's journey. The process of interpreting your dreams is broken down in this podcast with Dream Interpreter Angela Shelby.
Angela emphasizes the importance of keeping a dream journal and getting a good dream book. Noticing recurring themes and patterns of numbers, feelings, and colors helps with understanding the meaning of your dreams. Angela also goes into detail about the meaning of common dreams like sex, flying, and being naked.
Angela Shelby is a Dream Interpreter and a Certified Quantum Touch Energy Healer who uses her psychic abilities to communicate with clients' bodies and spirit guides during sessions.
Learn more about Angela and her company Enlightened Energy Works at
Abundology Podcast listeners can save 50% on a dream Interpretation with Promo Code: DREAMS2023.
Learn more about Spirit Guide Channeler and Spiritual Mentor Renee Spears at
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
#258 - Weekly Energy Update for March 26, 2023: Mars in Cancer
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Welcome to the final week of March. This month has been fantastic for getting us aligned and moving forward, and now the energy is shifting slightly. Yesterday, Mars entered Cancer, giving us a much-needed change of pace.
Mars asks us to slow down as it enters the wonderful, calming energy of Cancer. Our motivation may be slightly watered down. We won’t be feeling that super intense drive. Even though we’re still taking action and making progress, we’re doing so more softly and easily.
The time is fabulous for developing your spiritual practice. Your spiritual practice serves as a constant reminder to you that you are a part of something far greater than yourself. A daily practice anchors you. It eases anxiety, depression, and stress. And because Mars is in Cancer at the moment, which can be emotional, we also need a bit more assistance with those things.
It’s time for us to settle into our new identities, realities, and lives. Practice self-acceptance and self-love. Of course, the universe always provides us with exactly what we need, as demonstrated by the fact that Venus and Uranus join together in Taurus on Thursday, March 30.
This is radical love energy and one of those transits that will unexpectedly change our lives! This is love at first sight energy. Get out of the house that day if you're single. It’s time for anything involving pleasure and fun.
This week in addition to love surprises, we’ll also get money surprises. Venus conjunct Uranus brings change and excitement with love and money. Enjoy this lovely time. Cherish your life. And have some fun!
Register for the Abundology Academy How to Be Present class at
Monday Mar 20, 2023
#257 - Spring Astrology Forecast with Astrologer Deborah Norton
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
In this podcast, Astrologer Deborah Norton shares what to expect this spring according to astrology. There is a lot of energy shifting this spring as the large planets shift signs. March is a pivotal month. Together with the Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries Season, Saturn moves into Pisces and Pluto moves into Aquarius.
A period of spiritual discipline is brought on by Saturn in Pisces. Take advantage of this opportunity to establish a committed spiritual practice that can result in new spiritual insights.
Pluto is about deep transformation and uncovering what's hidden. Pluto's transit into Aquarius brings fresh energy and a chance to step into your power. Deborah discusses the changes you can anticipate in your life depending on the placement of Pluto in your natal chart, which is determined by your rising sign and the 12 houses.
Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life.
Schedule your appointment with Deborah Norton at
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
We have been preparing for this week all year. This week, everything changes. Monday, March 20th is the Spring Equinox and the start of Aries Season. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and the start of the astrological new year. This is "new year, new me," energy. We'll feel revitalized and confident.
And the fresh start energy continues on Tuesday with a new moon in Aries. New moons are the cosmic resets of the astrological world. Because this New Moon occurs right after the Equinox and at the beginning of the astrological new year its energy is amplified! This is a powerful New Moon for new beginnings and manifestation work.
Then comes the main event—not just for the week but for the entire year. Pluto, the planet of transformation, will enter Aquarius on Thursday, March 23, for the first time since 1798.
Pluto changes signs only a few times in our lifetime so when it does, it is a major deal. And when it does, it starts a brand new generational cycle. Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years so this is the beginning of a brand new 20-year cycle.
The beginning of this cycle coincides with the Spring Equinox, the start of the Aries season, the astrological new year, and an Aries new moon. This is fresh start energy on steroids!
Since 2008, Pluto has been in Capricorn. That chapter is over. And the next 20-year chapter is beginning. We have a clean slate right now. It’s all about new beginnings and getting us back on our soul path. If ever there was a time to GO FOR IT, this is it.
Sign up for the Abundology Academy classes at
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
We’re halfway through March, the powerhouse month of 2023, the month when all the action happens. All the monumental shifts unfolding this month are laying the groundwork for a new evolution of our soul journey. We’re being elevated to the next level and the next chapter of our lives.
Let's be clear: All of this transformation can be uncomfortable. It may reveal aspects about ourselves that we didn't know or that we have outgrown and need to let go of.
As Jupiter and Chiron come together in a rare conjunction in the sign of Aries on March 12, we receive a little help to soothe and heal our discomfort. On average, Jupiter and Chiron only cross paths in Aries once every 50 years. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to confront and heal our identity wounds.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance, and Chiron is an asteroid known as the wounded healer. When they come together this week, we get a blast of healing energy that touches every part of our being. This is good stuff, and it comes at a crucial moment for us as we confront these often difficult truths about ourselves.
What’s happening this month is that our identity is changing and we’re getting the chance to uplevel our lives and step into our power. This uplevel can be uncomfortable and oftentimes painful and Jupiter and Chiron are coming along at the exact right time to ease some of that hurt.
This week, remember that we are here for a reason and that is to fulfill our human potential. What one can be, one must be, according to Maslow. This quote perfectly captures the essence of our journey this year.
The energy right now is supporting us to step into our power, uplevel our lives, and become who we were meant to be.
Sign up for the Step Into Your Power Class at
Friday Mar 10, 2023
#254 - Fly Fishing and Mindfulness with Sue Kerver
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Mindfulness and fly fishing go hand in hand. When you're fly fishing, you enter into a state that resembles meditation allowing you to be fully present. In this podcast, Fishing Guide Sue Kerver shares how fly fishing benefits the mind, body, and soul. Sue empowers women by teaching them to fly fish which builds confidence through self-mastery and connection.
Fly fishing is a deeply meaningful and spiritual activity. Spending some "me time" in nature helps you gain perspective on life and improves your ability to handle stress. Because fly fishing requires you to be highly focused, you are much less likely to worry or think about anything that might be stressing you out.Sue Kerver has long held a passion for service and helping others. As an avid fly fisherwoman, an outdoor enthusiast, and a Coast Guard licensed Captain, Sue is on a mission to use her knowledge and personal experiences to help women become confident in the outdoor space.
In 2020, Sue attended Sweetwater Guide School in Montana and, a year later, moved to Bozeman where she obtained her Montana State fly fishing guide license.
With an emphasis on fly fishing, Sue founded Two Gals and a Boat to educate, encourage, and empower women through both classroom training and hands-on, skill-building opportunities.
She spent twelve years on active duty in the United States Coast Guard. Before joining the Coast Guard, Sue served for two years in the Peace Corps and taught English and Sustainable Development in Areka, Ethiopia.
Learn more about Sue at
Sign Up for the fishing class at
Save $50 off a class package with COUPON CODE: FISHERWOMAN2023
Class starts Tuesday, April 25, 2023
🌟 Welcome to The Abundology Podcast 🌟
Embark on a cosmic journey as we explore mystical energies shaping our lives. Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover daily inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation.
🔮 What You'll Find Here:
- Astrology Forecasts
- Numerology Insights
- Weekly Energy Updates
- Practical Advice
- Spiritual Guidance
Whether you're a seasoned seeker or just starting, this Spiritual Podcast offers wisdom and practical advice to elevate your spirit. Subscribe now and begin your journey towards enlightenment and positivity!
Tune in now and visit to learn more about Renee.