The Abundology Podcast
Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology and Energy Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or just starting, this Spiritual Podcast offers wisdom and practical advice. Subscribe now and begin your journey towards enlightenment and positivity! 🌠🔮🌟
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
According to numerology, September is a 7 universal month, and 2023 is also a 7 universal year. This month we are doubling down on 7 energy. The energy of 7 is all about taking things slow and going inward.
The theme of this month and year is spiritual growth. And this month amplifies that. We’ve changed this year and despite how well you believe you know yourself, it's possible that you've changed in ways you weren't even aware of. It's now time to integrate the changes and move forward with a stronger sense of self-awareness.
We get support with our inward reflection when Jupiter goes retrograde for the rest of the year on Monday, September 4th. Compared to other retrogrades this one can be advantageous. Jupiter retrograde does not translate to our luck running out but rather our idea of happiness being rewritten.
During a time when everything seems out of our control, magical Jupiter comes along and gives us second chances and an opportunity to get back in balance. Jupiter is associated with good fortune, abundance, and knowledge. It helps us connect with our soul’s purpose.
This is an excellent moment to consider what is weighing you down. We often do things because we believe we should enjoy them or they should make us happy. Jupiter retrograde is your opportunity to be honest about what is no longer working for you. We're getting clear about what we need to live a happy, fulfilling life.
Before we can ask for what we want, we must first define it. The next four months are about figuring out what makes us happy. What truly makes us happy, not what should make us happy.
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Sunday Aug 27, 2023
#282 - Weekly Energy Update for August 27, 2023: Super Blue Moon in Pisces
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
All summer long, we've been preparing for this time. With the Super Blue Moon on Wednesday night, this week is a powerful time of new beginnings.
Since blue moons only occur once every 2.5 years or so, the expression "once in a blue moon" refers to their extreme rarity. The fact that the blue moon this year also happens to be a supermoon, when the moon is at its closest to Earth, makes this moon even rarer.
A supermoon super-sizes the energy of whatever sign it’s in and this one is in Pisces. This means that we’re going to experience some deep feelings such as grief, sadness, and heartbreak, which have been stored in our psyches. We're about to get deep, so get the Kleenex ready. Sometimes, going through these emotions is the only way to move past them and let them go.
Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac. It rules the dream world and subconscious mind. It allows downloads and spiritual guidance to flood in by opening our spiritual channels. The strong retrograde energy also strengthens and amplifies our intuition and psychic abilities.
We can expect to receive lots of unmistakable signs, serendipities, and messages in our dreams. Even our deceased loved ones, our spirit guides, or our angels may visit us.
With this Blue Moon, there is a soul transformation taking place. We are undergoing some significant events as well as incredible energetic frequencies. Even though things could become a little shaky, all of these astrological events are intended to do one thing, which is to move us forward to more authentic lives.
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Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Every time a zodiac season ends, the universe hits the ‘reset’ button. After the sun has spent the last month in Leo, it’s moving into the sign of Virgo on Wednesday the 23rd and we’re hitting the reset button.
During the next month, we’ll experience Virgo energies, which include being productive, hard-working, and a perfectionist. We feel most energized and productive during this time of year.
The Virgo season offers us a fantastic opportunity to get things done and establish a regular schedule. It’s all about achieving balance in our day-to-day schedule.
Because this Virgo season coincides with Mercury in retrograde, it’s a little trickier than usual to get into a solid daily routine. Mercury rules Virgo and Mercury going retrograde on the same day that Virgo Season starts makes us feel like a kid being dragged back to school after an epic summer vacation.
If you’re already feeling tired, disoriented, and like you’re just not yourself, there’s a good chance we can blame it on Mercury retrograde. Mercury, the planet of cognitive function, has a way of making your brain have to work twice as hard to function when it is spinning backward.
Even though Mercury retrograde is generally disliked, it's important to keep in mind that it's not the end of the world. Mercury retrograde is not only a common occurrence—it occurs three to four times a year—but it also plays a crucial role in your soul journey.
This particular Mercury Retrograde gives us the opportunity to go back to the basics and rebuild our Universe. It’s time to simplify and focus on building a life that keeps you centered and balanced.
Also keep in mind that Mercury is known as the trickster planet and while it is retrograde, it enjoys making our lives as inconvenient as possible. There are often delays, frustrations, misunderstandings, and problems with our technology, providing us an opportunity to practice remaining centered no matter what is going on.
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
#280 - Weekly Energy Update for August 13, 2023: Leo New Moon
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Wednesday's Leo New Moon starts a new lunar cycle that we can use as a chance for a fresh start. During this retrograde season, you have undoubtedly had several aha moments and realizations about things you want to change. We don't have to wait for the retrograde season to end to make changes in our lives. We have the opportunity to change today thanks to this new moon.
A Leo New Moon is a lovely time when we're in tune with our hearts, connected to love, and feeling especially creative. It's a period when it's easier to focus on the good things in our lives.
The current Venus Retrograde in Leo is activated by this New Moon in Leo. Venus Retrograde stirs up relationship issues, not just relationships with others but also our relationship with money and our self-worth. Venus Retrograde offers us the chance to learn how to set boundaries, handle conflicts, and know when to walk away.
The fact that this moon is tightly square Uranus, the planet known as the "Great Awakener," means unexpected events could occur or that your life could suddenly change dramatically. With the combination of Uranus, Venus, and the New Moon, the unexpected news we receive may result in major changes to our relationships.
This new moon generally makes us feel better and helps us take some action as it has been a bit of a lazy retrograde period and you may not have felt very motivated lately.
This summer, we’re going through a lot of change and shedding things we’ve outgrown. While we may be sad to see some of them go, we are ready to release others. However, life constantly moves forward, and this moon gives us a clean slate and a chance to start over again.
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Sunday Aug 06, 2023
#279 - Weekly Energy Update for August 6, 2023: 8/8 Lions Gate Portal
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
We are currently living in a particularly intense and transformative period. This is the retrograde high season. There are currently four planets and Chiron retrograde, and now Mercury has entered its shadow period, preparing to go retrograde and join the party.
Retrogrades direct our focus to the past and can be cosmic "grace periods" during which we can complete projects and other unfinished business. The prefix re- means to go back. Retrogrades are all about re-words.
Old friends, lovers, and past issues may resurface providing an opportunity to reconnect or revise. Retrogrades can be used to resolve arguments, revisit ideas, or renew a commitment.
Retrogrades can be highly beneficial. We finish projects, improve our style, let go of relationships that are not working for us, and heal our insecurities.
The 8/8 Lions Gate on Wednesday helps with healing. The Lions Gate Portal is an annual astrological event that occurs between July 26th and August 12th, with a peak on August 8th. Because of the numerology of 8/8 and the Sun reaching the halfway point or 15 degrees of Leo, which is the height of Leo energy, August 8 has become the day we celebrate the portal. This is also the astrological halfway point between the June Solstice and the September Equinox.
The Sun aligns with the star Sirius, which is considered our spiritual sun, during this period, and this cosmic alignment creates a powerful portal that fills us with high-frequency energy. This high-vibing energy brings new beginnings, and these new beginnings are often dramatic.
These transformative times offer incredible positive movement in soul growth and life fulfillment, but the process can feel turbulent and scary. Allow yourself some downtime. Rest. Unplug. Avoid activities that you find shallow or depleting. It’s OK to say no to things you don’t want to do right now.
And keep in mind that everything, and I mean everything, is happening for our highest good this month. Thank you retrogrades, and thank you 8/8 Lions Gate. Thank you for the push we need to move forward.
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
#278 - Weekly Energy Update for July 30, 2023: Aquarius Full Moon
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
The month of August begins and ends with a supermoon. The Full Super Moon in Aquarius occurs on Tuesday, August 1st, while the Pisces Super Blue Full Moon occurs on August 30th.
With two Full Moons in the same calendar month, August will be a time for letting go, clearing, and releasing. Everything that no longer resonates with us will be released, and there will be some empty spots in our lives by the end of the month.
We also begin the month with Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron retrograde, and by the end of August, Mercury and Uranus will be retrograde as well.
All of this retrograde energy has the potential to make us feel sluggish. We may feel as if we are going around in circles or that we need to redo things that we thought we had previously dealt with. And there won't be much we can do to speed things up.
This month will be uncomfortable for those of us who are used to pushing through and getting things done no matter what. The key is to surrender. Surrender and enjoy this slower time. Surrender means to stop fighting. Stop fighting with yourself. Stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, the 1st, is the month's first significant cosmic event. This Full Moon is very healing. While the energies this month are powerful, this full moon is gentle and holds our hand while unveiling anything that is no longer serving our highest good.
In Numerology, August is a 6 Universal Month. The energy of a 6 month is all about the good things in life. It’s about harmony, love, and balance. It’s about focusing on our family and relationships, it helps us enjoy our homes. It is about improving your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, as well as bringing more ease and harmony into your life.
Life is slow right now. Enjoy a slow August. Surrender and let this month be one of the best of your life.
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Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
A lot is happening in the sky this weekend. Leo season began last night. When I say this year’s Leo season is going to be dramatic, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Leo Season started just 17 minutes after Venus went retrograde. And today Chiron goes retrograde.
The Sun in Leo will make us feel more loving, positive, creative, and active. This is one of the most fun months of the year regardless of what the retrogrades bring because the Sun is in Leo, its favorite sign! Like the Sun, Leos radiate their personalities out into the world and now is the time for all of us to do the same. Leo season is all about owning yourself, being yourself, and expressing yourself.
This Leo Season is particularly important because of the increasing number of planets becoming retrograde. During Leo Season Venus and Chiron will both station retrograde.
Venus Retrograde can have a significant impact on our lives and hearts, especially since it's in Leo, the sign of the heart. While it is in retrograde for the next 40 days and 40 nights, we are healing our hearts, our self-confidence, and our perspectives on money and finances.
Since Venus rules money, we can expect our finances to be up and down this summer. Avoid blowing cash on fancy dinners and expensive vacations. Simplify. Enjoy the beauty of inexpensive things.
Chiron retrograde is also helping us heal and use our wounds as a source of strength. Chiron doesn’t want us to heal because it will make us “better.” It wants us to discover how to draw strength and wisdom from our wounds.
Instead of attempting to "fix" ourselves to be worthy, this level of healing practice focuses on transcendence. We are already worthy, regardless of wounds.
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Sunday Jul 16, 2023
#276 - Weekly Energy Update for July 16, 2023: New Moon in Cancer
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
A brand-new chapter is beginning with the new moon in Cancer on Monday, July 17. But this isn’t the only new beginning energy this week. Just a few hours after the new moon, the lunar nodes, also known as the North Node of Destiny and the South Node of Fate will move to the Aries-Libra axis until January 2025.
Our lives are on an emotional roller coaster thanks to this new moon. Cancer reminds us to slow down, be patient, and feel. This new moon is all about slowing down long enough to feel the emotions we have conveniently avoided until now in order to heal.
This week we want rest and solitude so we can feel all the emotions that come up. There are major changes coming, and in order to move forward, we must first process the past, which takes time.
The New Moon on the same day that the lunar nodes change signs makes this a very powerful and life-defining time. The new moon is the start of a new emotional journey in life while the lunar nodes push us toward our destiny.
The shift of the nodes to the Aries-Libra axis is one of the more significant astrological shifts taking place this year and it changes the direction of both our individual and collective evolution throughout the next 18 months.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and as it moves into the north node, we feel a spark of inspiration to start something new and go in a new direction. Achieving this, however, takes courage, the courage to claim what we want and then take action.
The shifting of the nodes invites us to embrace our destiny and purpose. We’re experiencing the inevitable growth and change of life. We can embrace it by having the courage to feel and examine our lives, admit what is not working, and then having the bravery to make the necessary changes.
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Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Four of the warmest days on record for our planet occurred this week. All this heat affects our energy, especially our Ayurvedic Pitta Dosha. Pitta, our internal fire, is amplified by heat, which can upset the pitta's delicate balance. When it's out of balance, it might manifest as burnout, irritation, anxiety, and even anger. It can also cause rashes, heartburn, and hot flashes.
Eating sweet, juicy fruits like melons and peaches can help us balance our Pitta, which is vital for our physical and mental wellness. Limit foods that are spicy, salty, greasy, and fried. The good news is that dairy soothes pitta. Eat the ice cream!
Although the hard-working, get things done, and give our lives some structure energy from the fantastic Full Moon last week is still with us, there are a few energy shifts taking place this week.
The first one occurs when Mars enters Virgo on Monday, July 10th. This transit brings a big boost of energy. We are more productive and feel more motivated. This is the motivation you've been looking for to get going if you've been feeling unmotivated or lethargic.
Then, on Tuesday, Mercury enters Leo for the next two weeks. When Mercury is in Leo, we have more confidence and think bigger. The focus is on our goals, and the bigger they are, the better.
We've reached the point in our life when we get to focus on the important things like our purpose and living an authentic life. Right now, the minor details don't matter as much.
We must always keep in mind that we are at the right place at the right time. Everything is working out perfectly even if it may not seem like it. The universe is conspiring in our favor. Prioritizing rest and relaxation will help you maintain the right place/right time energy you'll need to balance all the effort you'll be putting out this week.
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Sunday Jul 02, 2023
#274 -Weekly Energy Update for July 2, 2023: Full Buck Moon in Capricorn
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
July begins with a Super Moon! It’s the first of three Super Moons in a row, the next two are in August. This is the Full Buck Moon and the first Full Moon of Summer.
The full moon's energy depends on the sign it's in, and this one is in Capricorn. Full moons are all about letting go, whereas Capricorn is all about hard work and striving for success despite all obstacles. The energy of this Full Moon is about focusing on our careers, long-term goals, and our achievements.
Capricorn Energy emphasizes responsibility and the need for structure. This moon is shining a spotlight on the places in our life where we need more structure. If we look at where we’ve been feeling stuck in our lives, that’s the place we can use more structure. This moon is truly a gift to help us get unstuck.
Keep in mind that we’re still in Cancer season. Cancer energy encourages us to stay home and rest which at first seems to clash with the active forward-moving, hard-working energy of Capricorn.
But this is the perfect balance of energy. This moon and Cancer season help us slow down, enjoy the moment, and remember the important things in life. This balances out all the Capricorn energy of planning, organizing, and hard work we’ll be doing.
This is one of the best full Moons energetically in 2023 due to the placements of other planets and the Star Sirius. Every year during the first week of July, the sun and Sirius align and when they do it opens this sacred portal of high vibrating energy.
Sirius is 23 times brighter than our Sun and is referred to as our "Spiritual Sun" and helps in raising our spiritual awareness. Its energy helps us release our limitations and whatever is holding us back. Sirius multiplies the energy of this full moon illuminating where we’ve been stuck so that we can move forward and turn our goals and dreams into reality.
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Embark on a cosmic journey as we explore mystical energies shaping our lives. Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover daily inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation.
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