The Abundology Podcast
Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology and Energy Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or just starting, this Spiritual Podcast offers wisdom and practical advice. Subscribe now and begin your journey towards enlightenment and positivity! 🌠🔮🌟
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
This week's podcast is extra-long to cover the Lunar Eclipse, November Numerology, Saturn moving direct, Halloween, Samhain, and Day of the Dead.
Let's start with yesterday's lunar eclipse and full moon. Lunar eclipses help us complete a journey and shift the course of our lives in some way. This lunar eclipse brings a strong energy of closure to the last two years because it’s the end of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle we’ve been in for two years.
This moon eclipse is here to help us progress. It's a cosmic push that takes you out of stagnated energy and old patterns. We want to consciously purge the old.
This eclipse represents our opportunity to transform and shift old patterns into new ones. All you have to do is let go. Not because of some important event, or someone is pressuring you, or you feel you have no choice. But just because you choose to.
Because this lunar eclipse and full moon are in Taurus, they are gentler and less intense than some other eclipses.
Taurus is a sign of stability and steadiness. When the world throws us a curveball, Taurus helps restore our inner peace. Taurus is the energy we want when life feels overwhelming. Taurus helps us connect to nature.
Then comes Halloween, just a few days after the dramatic eclipse. Halloween is rooted in the Celtic festival of Samhain. Samhain and Halloween fall at the midpoint between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. At a time when nature is undergoing significant transformations, and so are we!
In numerology, November is a 9 Universal Month. The number nine represents completion, transition, and spiritual growth. It's time to finish up loose ends and get ready for new beginnings.
It's normal to feel the need to finish projects, end relationships, or bring closure to things we're done with during a 9 Universal Month. As we release, there's room for new things to enter. We’re laying the groundwork for new beginnings that will come.
Saturn going direct is the first transit in November. Saturn is a slow energy. Even though the lunar eclipse concluded a two-year cycle, and November is a nine-month wrapping up this year's cycle, we are not racing toward the new thing. We need patience right now.
Think of November as a soft month. Give yourself time. Give yourself grace. Practice living with more ease and flow just like nature does. It's time to tell your past goodbye and say hello to your future.
Shop the Eclipse Package sale through 10/31 and get TWO 30-minute Sessions for only $111 at
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
This week is full of high-energy events. Scorpio season begins tomorrow, and the energy is building all week toward the Lunar Eclipse on Saturday.
Scorpio season can be an intense time. Scorpio is the sign of transformation and this year is especially intense due to the eclipse and the fact that both Mars and Mercury are in Scorpio, increasing the Scorpio energy.
Scorpio isn't satisfied with surface-level anything and wants to go deep. We're talking about deep transformation here! We're transforming our power, our most intimate connections, our willingness to be vulnerable and daring enough to try new things.
Then, just a few days after Scorpio season begins, we'll experience the year's final eclipse - a lunar eclipse and full moon — in Taurus.
A lunar eclipse is an especially powerful full moon. They tell us to let go, surrender, go with the flow, and allow the eclipse to do the work. We may want to control the transformation process. However, there is no way to control what happens during an eclipse.
Because this Taurus Eclipse is the last of a Taurus-Scorpio cycle, it has tremendous power for endings. If there is something you want to let go of, use the Eclipse energies to do so and say goodbye to all that is no longer serving your soul.
Be gentle with yourself since the Eclipse energies are volatile and we are undergoing enormous transformation. This is an excellent moment for self-discovery work. Journaling, meditation, and therapy are all great options.
When this Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse cycle is complete, we will have reached a new stage in our evolution. We've evolved and are now in a greater plane of consciousness than before.
And by the time we reach the Scorpio New Moon on November 13th, fresh energies will be flowing, and we will leave Scorpio season feeling transformed, renewed, a little more settled, and ready to begin a new chapter.
Shop the Double Eclipse Package Sale and get TWO 30-Minutes Sessions for $111 at
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Saturday's New Moon Solar Eclipse opened an eclipse portal that we'll be in for the next two weeks until the full moon in Taurus on October 28th. This two-week portal is a powerful period for reflection and transformation, as new chapters begin and fated events occur.
The good news about eclipses is that we can trust the direction they are guiding us in. Eclipses bring events into our lives that are part of the cosmic plan, yet eclipses don't cause something to happen in our lives but allow us to see things more clearly than before.
This eclipse season set the intention that you will be aligned with MORE; more love, more truth, more joy, more purpose, more creation, more connection, and more YOU.
We can expect some post-eclipse clarity this week when the Sun in Libra meets Mercury in Libra, forming a Cazimi. When Mercury is Cazimi it provides clarity, insights, breakthroughs, and downloads. Pay attention to the downloads you receive this week. They are important.
As humans, we are going through a series of fated decision points and changes. This is a difficult time for all of us. As my friend Linda Cohen says, "Focus on kindness." Kindness to yourself and others.
All of this transformation requires energy, which may leave you exhausted. Slow down, rest, reflect, listen for messages from your higher self and the universe, and give the changes time to integrate. This will pass, and we will come out stronger as a result.
Shop the Double Eclipse Package Sale and get TWO 30-minute Sessions for just $111 at
Access the Solar Eclipse Spiritual Practice at
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
This week's New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs on Saturday morning. This is a spectacular annular solar eclipse with a 'ring of fire'. The Moon is farther away from Earth during an annular solar eclipse than it is during a total eclipse, making it appear smaller and creating a 'ring of fire' around the Moon where the Sun is visible.
Not only will this be visually stunning, but eclipses also shift our consciousness and bring change. The total blockage of the sun acts as a reset button. It's as if we're being turned off and then back on.
Solar eclipses occur during a New Moon and can be thought of as supercharged New Moons. New Moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle as well as the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.
We can think of eclipses as portals to higher states of consciousness. They help us to make quantum leaps forward. They fast-track our soul contract and propel us toward our destiny. As a result, eclipses tend to bring fated events and they place us wherever we need to be.
We can't prepare for what's to come since eclipses are so unpredictable. There will very certainly be unexpected twists and turns. And because these twists and turns are fated, we can trust that we're being guided in the direction the Universe knows is best.
To understand an Eclipse more we look at the sign it’s in. And this one is happening in Libra, so we can expect some themes around balance. Libra is represented by the scales and regulates the flow of giving and receiving in our lives.
Remember that all of these fated changes will not occur only on the day of the eclipse; we will be in eclipse energy for the next month. Even though all of the unexpected changes are aligning us with our highest good, this is A LOT of powerful energy!
Take it easy. Rest, lay low, surrender, and allow the eclipses to work their magic. Know that whatever unfolds during this eclipse is not the whole story. This is only the start of something new and wonderful!
Schedule your appointment with Renee Spears at
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
This October is a powerful month of growth and change. It's hard to believe that Halloween is just four weeks away, Thanksgiving is eight, and Christmas is twelve. Four of the planets currently retrograde will turn direct over the next three months too, including Pluto on October 11th.
The fantastic news is that we begin the last quarter of the year with an 8-universal month. In numerology, each month carries a unique energy. October carries the energy of 8. An 8-month is a powerful time that encourages us to step into our power and take charge of our lives.
The number 8 represents abundance. It is considered particularly lucky and is referred to as the money number. 8 is also associated with karma. This month is full of karmic events.
On the 14th, there will be a solar eclipse in Libra, and on the 28th, there will be a lunar eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses bring accelerated change and major shifts in our lives. Since eclipse season begins about two weeks before the first eclipse, we. re currently in eclipse energy. And it'll get stronger over the next two weeks as we approach the solar eclipse.
The eclipses, the placement of the moon and planets, and the energy of this karmic 8-month all contribute to inevitable changes. Knowing that these changes are for our highest good and part of our destiny can help us to relax a little. The best approach to October is to step into your power and embrace the changes with surrender and acceptance.
Access the 1/2 Price Summer Money Reset for $16.50 at
Schedule with Renee Spears at
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
#288 - Weekly Energy Update for Sept. 24, 2023: Super Harvest Moon
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
This final week of September is full of powerful energy. Fall began barely two days ago with the Equinox and the start of the Libra season. And tonight, at sundown, the holiest day of the year in Judaism, Yom Kipper, begins. The week concludes on Friday with a spectacular Harvest Full Moon.
Unlike other full moons, which may have catchy titles like strawberry moon or pink moon but don't actually look any different from other full moons, September's Harvest Moon is generally large and orange or red. Because it's a supermoon, it'll appear even larger and more colorful than usual. And this is the year's final supermoon.
Full moons are ideal for letting go of the past to make room for fresh energy and opportunities. This full moon teaches us about identifying imbalances in our lives.
When the moon is full, it shines a spotlight on our emotional world, revealing hidden things, and this month it reveals where we are out of balance.
What I like best about this Aries Full Moon is that it serves as a powerful reminder that we are the creators of our lives. Because of the retrogrades this summer, we may have felt at the mercy of the universe and forgotten how strong we are. It's time to remember how powerful we are and get on with creating our lives.
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
#287 - Fall Astrology Forecast with Astrologer Deborah Norton
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Astrologer Deborah Norton shares the Fall 2023 Astrological Forecast in this entertaining podcast. This fall is a time of profound rebirth and transformation beginning with the Autumn Equinox. The Equinox provides us with a clean slate to start our next chapter. With all of the retrogrades and reflection we've done this summer, we've gained a lot of clarity. And now we’re moving forward with that knowledge.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14 and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28 are both times of pivotal change. The eclipses offer us the opportunity to align our internal and external worlds.
Deborah addresses Pluto and Saturn going direct, as well as the powerful energy of Pluto and Eris Square happening the first week of October.
Deborah Norton is an Astrologer who helps you decipher your astrological chart so that you can better understand yourself and have more control over your destiny. Deborah works closely with each client to create a customized astrology reading that is tailored to their specific needs and goals.
Schedule an appointment with Deborah at
Listen to the Cosmic Disruption Podcast at
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
#286 - Weekly Energy Update for Sept. 17, 2023: Fall Equinox & Libra Season
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Pumpkin Spice season officially begins this week with the Fall Equinox occurring on Friday night. Not only is this when the Sun is directly over the equator, resulting in an equal length of day and night, but it is also when the Sun moves from Virgo into Libra, kicking off Libra Season.
The Equinox is one of the year's major turning points. It’s when we energetically start moving in a new direction. It’s a time when our lives change.
Libra season gives you permission to soak up all of the fall vibes. It's also a time for creating balance in every area of life and prioritizing harmony above all else.
If we desire peace and harmony in our lives, it must start internally. What we experience inwardly manifests itself externally. Internal harmony is achieved through establishing a sense of balance, calm, and alignment inside yourself. It is all about getting your thoughts, emotions, and actions in sync.
It is easier to achieve that state during the equinox. It’s easier to start new mindfulness and meditation practices right now. So, as you embrace everything Fall this year, make time to BE present. This might be as basic as watching the changing of the leaves.
On the Equinox, you should feel an energy shift. We'll feel like we're gaining momentum, and we'll notice some changes in our lives beginning to take shape. This momentum will gradually build over the next month.
This is a significant life change, and these changes take time. Over the following month, we'll see changes gradually appear. Leading up to a historic solar eclipse and new moon on October 14th.
Shop the 50% Off Sale through 9/18 at
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
This week, we gradually gain clarity and feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, thanks to a magnificent New Moon on Thursday and Mercury ending its retrograde and going direct on Friday.
This Virgo New Moon is here to help us get our sh*t together. Every month, we have a new moon which gives us a fresh start. And the Virgo new moon is one of the most powerful opportunities to reset and refocus.
This is the last new moon of the summer before the Equinox and Eclipse Season begins, so it lays the foundation for the upcoming changes. While the retrograde activity has left us feeling somewhat stuck, this New Moon is a turning point and is preparing us for change.
The new moon occurs just hours before Mercury moves direct again. This Mercury retrograde in Virgo has been shining a spotlight on our wellness, daily routines, and inner balance, so now is a fantastic time to reflect on how you care for yourself emotionally and physically.
This new beginning energy is preparing us for Fall, which begins next week. The shift from summer to fall is one of the most difficult in Ayurveda. We are transitioning from the Pitta season of summer to the Vata season of autumn. We want to start shifting away from the raw foods and salads of summer and eat more root vegetables, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, and hearty soups.
It also helps us transition by maintaining a consistent routine, particularly in sleeping, waking, and eating. This, of course, perfectly aligns with the energy of the New Moon in Virgo, which is all about getting organized and structure in your life. Happy New Moon!
Shop the 50% Off Fall Sale at
Friday Sep 08, 2023
#284 - What is Flow? Featuring Michelle Wirta
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Flow is one of life's most pleasurable states of being, immersing us completely in the present moment and allowing us to be more creative, productive, and happy. We've all heard about how important it is to "Be in the Flow," but what exactly does that mean?
In this episode, business coach Michelle Wirta discusses flow and how to access it. Michelle describes flow as a practice of presence and it is in this practice that we find it. Flow is humbling and requires getting into our bodies and creating healthy habits. Flow is always there. We only need to show up and consistently do the simple things to find ease and the sweet spot of flow in them.
Michelle Wirta is a seasoned entrepreneur, coach, and energy reader, now guiding creative women with her F.L.O.W. Biz Growth Coaching as well as in teaching fluid art for greater creative freedom. She specializes in merging mindset, Idea Alchemy, her method of Somatic Manifestation, and simplified strategy to help you craft your signature offer and find flow with purpose and your business' elemental prosperity blueprint.
Michelle has generously offered Abundology Podcast listeners a 30-minute FREE mini Idea Alchemy Session. Sign up for your session at
If you'd like to join F.L.O.W. after your free session, save $150 with coupon code: ABUNDOLOGY150GIFT at
Learn more about Michelle at and
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Embark on a cosmic journey as we explore mystical energies shaping our lives. Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover daily inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation.
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Whether you're a seasoned seeker or just starting, this Spiritual Podcast offers wisdom and practical advice to elevate your spirit. Subscribe now and begin your journey towards enlightenment and positivity!
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