The Abundology Podcast
Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology and Energy Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or just starting, this Spiritual Podcast offers wisdom and practical advice. Subscribe now and begin your journey towards enlightenment and positivity! 🌠🔮🌟
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
#243 - Weekly Energy Update for January 1, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
2023 is a 7 Universal Year. In numerology, all years have a number that tells us the theme or energy of the year. This energy is felt by everyone on the planet.
The energy of the 7 is all about diving inward. Its focus is on spiritual and personal growth and evolution. To make the most of this 7 year, we want to slow down. Think of 2023 as a sabbatical or a retreat.
This is an important year to take a collective pause as we prepare for a massive reset. Starting in 2024, we will enter a three-year “push” time of global transition and transformation.
The energy of 7 asks us to go inward, slow down, and sit with ourselves. To study, analyze, ask questions, and peel our personal “onions.” Our shadows emerge as we reflect on these larger questions of life providing us with the chance to heal before continuing.
The first full moon of the year happens this week on Friday, January 6. This Full Moon in Cancer is a good time to remind ourselves of what is important to us and what we truly care about. Cancer full moons are the time to take a step back and ensure that our heads are in sync with our hearts.
The fact that this Full Moon is active smack in the middle of Mercury and Mars Retrograde could bring tension. When both of these planets are retrograde, it can be difficult for us to go forward because we may feel stuck, foggy, and confused. Although this moon is cloudy and confusing, it is a great moment to reflect and reconnect with yourself.
The Astrology and Abundology Package Sale has ended.
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
#242 - Weekly Energy Update for December 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
This week is a gift from the universe. It's one of those times we dream about where all we have to do is relax and rest.
We are now at the turning point of a new year, a new energy, and a new chapter of our life after the New Moon on Friday served as a window to look into our future. This week is our opportunity to sit down with our intentions, goals, and dreams for the year ahead. However, you'll note that I didn't suggest that the moment to act is now because it isn't.
Mercury goes retrograde for the final time this year on Wednesday, December 28. Mercury is the planet of thought and communication, so when it goes retrograde, we often feel foggy and confused.
Mercury Retrograde is something that many people dread, yet it's important to honor it as a natural rhythm and cycle of the Universe. Mercury is regarded as the Messenger of the Gods, therefore when we encounter hiccups and mix-ups while it is retrograde, it is frequently a higher message for us.
Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas. This week, happily give yourself some well-earned rest. Take advantage of this opportunity to rest, recharge, and take a mental break.
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
#241 - 2023 Astrology Forecast with Deborah Norton
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Astrologer Deborah Norton breaks down what to expect in 2023 according to astrology. Mercury and Mars will be in retrograde at the beginning of 2023, which slows down our forward progress. Mars serves as our engine and propels us forward. When Mars is retrograde we feel lethargic. On January 12, when Mars Retrograde ends, we'll finally start to move forward and feel productive again.
When Saturn enters Pisces and Pluto enters Aquarius in March, there are significant energy shifts that take place. These are important changes that help us clarify our religious and spiritual beliefs and may even lead to a collective spiritual awakening.
We have nearly three months in 2023 without any planets going retrograde. There are no planets in retrograde from January 23 to April 21 and this helps us make huge forward progress in life. But when eight planets turn retrograde from the end of August through mid-September, progress slows down.
This year, we should expect significant energy shifts that will help us awaken to our higher selves and the spiritual world.
Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life.
Learn more about Deborah Norton at
The Astrology and Abundology Package Sale has ended.
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
#240 - Weekly Energy Update for December 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
We begin a brand-new chapter this week with more clarity and a down-to-earth game plan. On December 20, Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, leaves the dreamy sign of Pisces and enters Aries, where it will remain for most of 2023.
Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, starts a new twelve-year cycle when it enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This big shift brings new beginnings and a sense of urgency to move forward.
Even though we may feel this internal push to move forward, the time isn't quite right because Mars is currently retrograde and Mercury will turn retrograde at the end of the month. Our brand-new start is being slowed down by the retrograde motion of these two planets.
Our goals are in a state of flux right now, and it's challenging to find something or someone to inspire you to get moving. Even though you may feel like you "should," you simply won't be able to push yourself to move forward.
The Winter Solstice, which occurs on Wednesday, is one of the most powerful times of the year as the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts, and moves in the opposite direction. This moment of stillness is a powerful metaphor for the energy available to us at the Winter Solstice to change the direction of our lives.
Capricorn Season officially begins at the solstice. Capricorn is the hardest-working zodiac sign. It rules the tenth house of ambition, and in the Capricorn season of 2022, there is an emphasis on your career. Our work is changing, restructuring, and leveling up. This is also the perfect time for reinventing yourself.
The last New Moon of 2022 falls on Friday, December 23rd. This Capricorn New Moon falls at one degree of the zodiac sign, a highly charged and karmic degree that is all about fresh starts and new beginnings. Your purpose and the reason you're here this lifetime are activated under this Capricorn New Moon.
The Astrology and Abundology Package Sale has ended.
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
#239 - Weekly Energy Update for December 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
The fact that Monday is the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the year is highly significant in numerology and spirituality. The number 12 is considered a master number and is connected to self-awakening and spiritual enlightenment.
Twelve also has to do with completion. It signifies the end of one cycle and the start of another. It means that something is coming to an end and that a new beginning is just around the corner.
The future is starting to bubble up. We're finally moving into our life purpose and reason for being. COVID woke us up, and now that we've had time to assimilate those changes, we're finally prepared to step into higher, more connected versions of ourselves... and move on.
And right now is the time to think about what's next. This time could be called The Fertile Void. The fertile void can be described as an experience where “meaning-making ceases and being begins." It could feel like an empty, hollow feeling or a lack of meaning in life. And this is where we learn the art of being.
Another name for 12/12 is the Ascension Gateway. Many mystics think that the number 12:12 is a sacred code that opens a door to enlightenment and helps raise our vibration so that we can access higher states of consciousness. These higher planes of awareness help us figure out why we're here this lifetime. This is some big stuff!
Before the solstice next week, take advantage of these shorter days of the year to meditate, journal, be still, and think. No need to try to figure out what's next. Simply be quiet, reflect on life, and the life-changing epiphanies about what's next in life will come.
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Sunday Dec 04, 2022
#238 - Weekly Energy Update for December 4, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
The final Full Moon of 2022 has arrived. There will be a Full Moon in Gemini on Wednesday, December 7th at 11:08 p.m. ET and 8:08 p.m. PT. Full moons are about endings and are the perfect time for reflecting and since this full moon is the last one of the year we’re reflecting on the past year.
Instead of jumping into the next new thing, this is the time to reflect on what you have done, where you have been, and how you have spent this year. How have you changed since the beginning of 2022?
This Full Moon is accompanied by some heated and charged energies, largely due to the presence of Mars, whose conjunction with the Moon and present retrograde amplifies its energy.
Mars is the planet of motivation, action, and energy. While in retrograde, we reevaluate our motivations and actions and question why we do the things that we do. This Full Moon is highlighting what is worth spending our energy on and what needs to be released.
Neptune is another planet active during this Full Moon. Neptune is the planet of intuition and we may find ourselves getting confirmation for something we've been feeling intuitively for a while. Trust your intuition and if you need confirmation ask the universe for signs.
This full moon has a lot of energy, so the best way to honor and celebrate it is to just sit your ass down. Relax. Cleanse your space, body, and mind, then kick back. Remember, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be—so revel in it, for a moment.
Learn more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
#237 - Weekly Energy Update for November 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
As hard as it is to believe, the final month of 2022 has arrived. December is arguably one of the most chaotic — but also completely magical — months of the year.
Until December 21st, we are in joyful Sagittarius season. Sagittarius which is ruled by go-big-or-go-home Jupiter is optimistic, adventurous, and capable of making even the most mundane moment a bit more entertaining and enjoyable
According to Numerology, December 2022 is a 9 Universal Month. Nine is the last number in the Numerology Cycle. Because this is the last month of the year and the last number in the numerology cycle, this month is about closure and holds very, very valuable lessons about letting go.
The purpose of this 9-month is to free you -- to free up your time, your attention, and your life-force energy so that you can focus on the true purpose of your life. Anything that leaves your life this month is not in service of that, so let it go willingly and easily.
The first few weeks of December have some bold energy, notably the fiery Gemini Full Moon on December 7—the year's last full moon. With the Antares Star Gate Portal opening from December 2–4, we also have some incredible galactic energy to work with.
When this Star Gate Portal opens our heart chakra is activated, allowing us to access higher levels of knowledge about love—not just the love we give and receive, but the love we are.
This is a good time to review how far you’ve come this year. This year, we've all undergone significant change. We've grown and changed partners, careers, and living spaces. We have epiphanies. We’ve stepped into higher versions of ourselves. Many of us have had spiritual awakenings. This year has been HUGE!
December this year is magical. Right now we’re filled with optimism, thanks to Sagittarius season. Because of the energy of the universal number 9, we are freeing up time, space, and energy so we can focus on our life purpose. And with the uplifting spirit of Antares, we're reviewing our year to be proud of what we've accomplished and how far we've come.
Take advantage of Renee's Gratitude Sale thru 11/28 at
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
#236 - Weekly Energy Update for November 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
I think it's safe to say that we're all ready for a shift in energy after a long, emotional past month. On Tuesday, November 22, we start the fun-loving, adventurous Sagittarius Season, which causes us to shift emotional gears this week.
The vibe right now is so much chiller than it’s been in the past few months. We’re enjoying the good life, whatever that means to you. It could be travel and partying to the crack of dawn or staying home cooking and playing board games with your favorite people. The theme this month is to embrace the good life.
This year, Sagittarius Season kicks off with an optimistic new moon on Wednesday, November 23, making it the ideal time to manifest and plant seeds for the coming weeks. This new Moon is an opportunity to step away from your fear and consider the best-case scenario. What if everything works out?
On this new Moon, Jupiter is stationing direct and forming a trine with the Moon and Sun. This is a very fortunate alignment. Sagittarius' ruling planet is Jupiter. It's often thought of as the planet of luck, but it's more about faith and believing in ourselves. Jupiter helps us believe in ourselves and the best-case scenario.
There are times in life when it is easier to dream bigger and improve our lives and this new moon is one of those times. Choose the best possible outcome! Believe in yourself!
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
#235 - Weekly Energy Update for November 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
We’re on the other side of those life-changing eclipses and the energy settles down as we move into healing mode this week. Our spirits soar as the energy for the remainder of the month gradually lightens up.
A Grand Water Trine, which is currently in effect, brings profound healing and balances the intensity of the previous month. This Grand Water Trine includes a total of seven astrological influences that form a sacred geometry triangle above us in the sky.
The energy of this Grand Trine is magical and cleansing. When there is an abundance of water energy like this, intuition is typically off the charts. Expect plenty of psychic revelations and precognitive dreams.
We get additional help healing and lightening up when Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius this week. Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius ask us to fall in love with life again. There is a sense that life is on your side. Dream big and have hope.
This week, things start to change. We survived the eclipses and have emerged stronger, wiser, and back on our life's path.
Relax, enjoy some baths and soaks in hot springs, try something new, do something in a novel way, and remember how fortunate you are to simply be alive. You need only BE; nothing more is necessary. Simply BE, and you will see miracles everywhere.
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
#234 -Weeky Energy Update for November 6, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
There will be plenty of surprises, lightning-quick endings, and cosmic twists of fate during Tuesday, November 8's Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon in Taurus. Events like this don't happen every day, every year, or even every decade.
This lunar eclipse occurs on the same day as the midterm elections. It is more powerful than a typical eclipse. This eclipse propels us toward the future at the speed of light revealing startling truths that shake up the very foundations on which we have built our lives. This is taking place both collectively and individually.
The result is a huge shift in both our personal and societal value systems, as well as in our understanding of money, love, and relationships. We are letting go of old attachments, old identities, and outdated ways of being. We get clarity and understand things more deeply than we ever have before.
We will feel the effects of this eclipse for the next six months. The energy of the cosmos is calling us to release something that has been building inside us for the entire year. We can expect powerful revelations and insights that may be hard to hear, hard to understand, and hard to swallow.
Everything feels big and larger than life at this time because this is an emotionally charged and dramatic event. Epiphanies and a kind of crisis, which could be a crisis of consciousness, provide us with a golden opportunity to move forward in a very different way.
Lunar eclipses bring fated events and speed things up that were going to happen anyway. They mark dramatic endings. They reveal things and bring situations to light.
Schedule extra time in your calendar to account for unexpected events. Rest and sleep every chance you get. Take some naps. And prepare to enter a completely new chapter.
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Embark on a cosmic journey as we explore mystical energies shaping our lives. Join Renee Spears, your Spiritual Mentor and Spirit Guide Channeler, for Astrology Forecasts, Numerology insights, and a powerful Weekly Energy Update infused with positivity. Discover daily inspiration and motivation on your path to transformation.
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